Prepositions of place

A locative preposition indicates where something or someone is located. When placed in front of a noun or pronoun, they help to determine exactly where a certain object or person is in relation to that noun.

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1. In

Meaning: Inside or encapsulated by
Example: The shoes are in the bag.

2. At

Meaning: Used to indicate a particular point or location
Example: I will meet you at the train station.

3. On

Meaning: Indicates location on the surface of something
Example: I left your suitcase on the chair.

4. Inside

Meaning: Within something else
Example: Can you pass me the box that’s inside the bag?

5. Over

Meaning: Above or beyond something
Example: The house is just over the hill.

6. Abov

Meaning: Higher than something else
Example: The picture frame is on the shelf above the couch.

7. Below

Meaning: Lower than something else
Example: The sun has officially set — it’s finally below the horizon!

8. Beneath

Meaning: Lower than something else
Example: The assistant general manager position is just beneath the regional manager!

9. Under

Meaning: Below something else
Example: Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard?

10. Underneath Meaning: Below something else Our garage is underneath our house. Example: 

11. By

Meaning: Close to or near something
Example: Did you go to the cupcake shop by the park?

12. Near

Meaning: Close by
Example: I went to the pizza place near campus.

13. Next to

Meaning: Beside
Example: What happened to the bike that was next to our car?

14. Between

Meaning: In the middle of two things
Example: I don’t want to sit between two strangers on the plane!

15. Among

Meaning: Within a group
Example: We have a traitor among us.

16. Opposite

Meaning: Directly across
Example: John’s house is opposite a massive mall.