Prepositions exercises – part 1

Use these prepositions: at, by, in, into, of, off, on, out (of), to, under, with

Fill in the missing parts of the sentences below.

  1.  I’m going to Bath . . . Wednesday . . . Tom. Would you like to come . . . us?
    Are you going . . . bus? 
    No, we’re going . . . Tom’s car.
  2. I saw him standing . . . the queue but I don’t know whether she got . . . the bus or not.
  3. How do you go . . . work?
    It depends . . . the weather. . . . wet days I go . . . tube; . . . fine weather I go . . . foot.
  4. The truck stopped . . . the traffic lights and wouldn’t start again, so the driver
    got . . . and pushed it . . . the side . . . the road.
  5. Someone threw a stone . . . the speaker. It hit him . . . the head and knocked his
  6. I want to post this . . . a friend . . . Italy. Will he have to pay duty … it?
  7. According . . . Tom, it is impossible to live . . . Paris . . . less than €8,000 a year.
  8. Are you . . . your own (alone)? –
    No, I’m . . . a friend . . . mine.
  9. You ought to be ashamed . . . yourself for coming . . . my nice clean kitchen . . .
    muddy boots.
  10. Children get presents . . . Christmas and . . . their birthdays.
  11. How would we get … … {escape from) this room if the hotel were … fire?
  12. He arrived . . . London . . . 6 p.m. . . . a foggy November day. We often have fogs . . .
  13. The man . . . his back . . . the camera is the Minister . . . Agriculture.
  14. How do I get . . . the Public Library?
    Go . . . the end . . . this street and turn right; turn left . . . the next traffic lights and then
    take the second turning . . . your right. This will bring you . . . Brook Street, and you’ll
    find the library . . . your left.
  15.  Alternatively you could get a 14 bus . . . this stop and ask the conductor to tell you
    where to get . . . (alight).
  16. The boy was leaning against the wall . . . his hands . . . his pockets.
    ‘Take your hands … … your pockets,’ said his father sharply.
  17. As she was getting . . . . . . the car one . . . her buttons fell ….
    Although we were . . . a hurry she insisted . . . stopping to look for it.
  18. Mr John is very keen . . . punctuality. His lessons start dead . . . time and you get . . .
    terrible trouble if you’re late.
  19. The man . . . the pipe and red hair is the brother . . . the girl . . . blue.
  20. Don’t leave your luggage . . . the corridor. It’ll be . . . everyone’s way. Bring it . . . the
    compartment and put it . . . the rack.
  21. He sits . . . his desk all day . . . his head . . . his hands. It gets . . . my nerves.
  22.  . . . mistake I opened Adam’s letter instead . . . my own. He was very angry . . . me and
    said that I’d done it . . . purpose.
  23. I buy a newspaper . . . my way . . . the station and read it . . . the train. By the time I
    get . . . London I’ve read most . . . it.
  24. She was charged . . . driving while . . . the influence . . . alcohol.
  25. People who drop litter . – . the pavements are liable . . . a fine . . . €80.
  26. She accused me . . . selling secret information . . . the enemy.
  27. You look worried. Are you . . . some sort . . . trouble?-
    Yes, . . . a way. I’m . . . debt and my creditors want to be paid . . . the end . . . the
    month, and . . . the moment I haven’t any money . . . the bank.
  28. The bus skidded . . . the tree, the windscreen was smashed and the driver was cut . . .
    the face . . . splinters . . . glass.
  29. Five people were injured . . . the demonstration. Three . . . them are students . . . the
    university, the fourth is here . . . holiday. That’s him over there . . . his arm . . . plaster.
  30. This picture was painted . . . Picasso; and there’s another Picasso . . . the opposite
  31. The horse stopped suddenly and the rider fell . . . . He couldn’t get . . . again without
    help and there was no one . . . sight.
  32. The children hastily changed . . . bathing things and jumped . . . the river . . . shouts of delight.
  33. We’ll have to go . . . car; we can’t go . . . bus . . . account . . . the bus strike.
  34. Divers breathing a mixture . . . helium and oxygen can work . . . a depth . . . 100 metres.
  35. I’m tired . . . working . . . the suburbs and I’ve asked to be transferred . . . our central branch.
  36. Can I have Sunday . . . ? or Can I have a holiday . . . Sunday? I want to go . . . my
    grandson’s wedding.