Collocations with "GET"

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Get a call

Meaning: Receive a phone call
Example:  get a call from my grandmother every Friday.

Get a chance

Meaning: Have an opportunity
Example: She got a chance to attend the conference in Dublin.

Get a clue

Meaning: Understand something
Example: He never seems to get a clue about what’s going on around her.

Get a cold

Meaning: Contract a cold virus
Example: If you don’t wear a jacket, you’ll get a cold.

Get a degree/diploma

Meaning: Obtain a certificate of completion from a university or college

Example: The university offers programs where students can get a degree in engineering.

Get a job

Meaning: Obtain employment
Example: She is applying to different companies to get a job as a writer.

Get a joke

Meaning: Understand a joke
Example: The comedian always gets a joke from the audience during his shows.

Get a letter (receive)

Meaning: Receive a letter
Example: He will get a letter from the university about his admission status.

Get a shock

Meaning: Be surprised or shocked by something
Example: They get a shock when they hear the news about their favourite celebrity.

Get a splitting headache

Meaning: Experience a severe headache
Example: She got a splitting headache after drinking too much alcohol.

Get a tan

Meaning: Develop a darker skin tone from exposure to the sun
Example: My brother gets a tan by lying in the sun for hours.

Get a ticket

Meaning: Obtain a ticket for an event or transportation
Example: If they park in the wrong spot, they might get a ticket.

Get angry

Meaning: Become angry
Example: We get angry when our internet connection is slow.

Get changed (change clothes)

Meaning: Change one’s clothes
Example: I need to get changed before we leave the house.

Get cool

Meaning: Become cooler in temperature
Example: The weather will get cool when the fall season arrives.

Get dark

Meaning: Become darker (usually referring to the sky)
Example: The sky gets dark as the sun sets.

Get divorced

Meaning: Legally end a marriage
Example: The couple got divorced after a year of marriage.

Get dressed/ undressed

Meaning: Put on or remove clothing
Example: They get dressed in their team uniforms before the game.

Get drunk

Meaning: Become intoxicated from alcohol
Example: They get drunk on weekends with their friends.

Get fired

Meaning: Lose one’s job
Example: The employee gets fired for coming in late too often.

Get frightened

Meaning: Become scared or frightened
Example: The child gets frightened by thunderstorms.

Get good, top, or bad marks

Meaning: Receive good or bad grades on a test or assignment
Example: The student gets good marks in math class.

Get home (arrive)

Meaning: Arrive at one’s home
Example: I need to get home before it gets dark.

Get hot(ter)

Meaning: Become hotter in temperature
Example: The sun gets hotter as the day goes on.

Get hungry

Meaning: Become hungry
Example: I always get hungry in the afternoon.

Get into trouble

Meaning: Get into a difficult situation
Example: The driver will get into trouble if he continues to drink and drive.

Get lost

Meaning: Become lost or disoriented
Example: The tourists get lost in the maze of streets.

Get married

Meaning: Legally enter into a marriage
Example: The bride and groom get married in a church.

Get nowhere

Meaning: Make no progress
Example: The team gets nowhere when they don’t work together.

Get old

Meaning: Become elderly
Example: They get old as time goes by.

Get one’s hair cut

Meaning: Have one’s hair cut
Example: I need to get my hair cut before the wedding.

Get out of breath

Meaning: Become out of breath from physical activity
Example: She gets out of breath when she sings loudly.

Get permission

Meaning: Receive permission to do something
Example: The child gets permission from their parents to go to a friend’s house.

Get pregnant

Meaning: Become pregnant
Example: The couple hopes to get pregnant within the next year.

Get ready for

Meaning: Prepare for something
Example: They get ready for their trip by packing their bags.

Get sleep

Meaning: Fall asleep
Example: The baby gets sleep when they are rocked to sleep by their parent.

Get started

Meaning: Begin something
Example: The musician will get started on their album by writing new songs.

Get stuck (in a traffic jam)

Meaning: Become trapped in a traffic jam
Example: The driver gets stuck in a traffic jam on the highway during rush hour.

Get the impression

Meaning: Form an opinion or impression
Example: get the impression that you don’t like spicy food.

Get the message

Meaning: Understand the message being conveyed
Example: She left a note for her husband to get the message that she’ll be late.

Get the ticket (buy)

Meaning: Purchase a ticket for an event or transportation
Example: She always gets the ticket for the movie in advance.

Get tired

Meaning: Become tired
Example: get tired after working all day.

Get to sleep

Meaning: Fall asleep
Example: She finds it difficult to get to sleep when she’s stressed.

Get together

Meaning: Meet with others
Example: She loves to get together with her family for dinner every Sunday.

Get upset

Meaning: Become upset or emotional
Example: They get upset when their favourite sports team loses.

Get wet

Meaning: Become wet from water or rain
Example:get wet for this newspaper.

Get worried

Meaning: Become anxious or worried about something
Example: August is nearly over and I am getting worried.